GMOT-40 Data

GMOT-40 data consists of several parts, image sequences, trajectory labels, and detection results.

  • Image Sequences: images of all 40 sequences.
    Download link: Google Drive.
  • Trajectory labels: trajectory labels of all 40 sequences.
    Download link: Google Drive.
  • Detection results: the detection results generated by our baseline one-shot detector.
    Download link: Google Drive.
    Welcome to contact us if you have better thoughts for labels!

Label Format

A brief description for trajectory label and detection results is shown below, with the image's top-left point as the coordinate origin.

  • Trajectory labels: one line of gt.txt is: [0, 5, 623, 307, 156, 57, 1, -1, -1, -1], corresponding to:
    [frame_id, identity_id, box_top_left_x, box_top_left_y, box_width, box_height, confidence].
    The confidence value is always 1 for all trajectory labels, and the last three -1 are just for padding.
  • Detection results: one line of the detection result is: [0, -1, 474, 373, 150, 76, 0.998632], corresponding to:
    [frame_id, identity_id, box_top_left_x, box_top_left_y, box_width, box_height, confidence].
    The identity_id value is always -1 for all detection results.

Data File Structure

The file structure of image sequences is shown below.

  |-- GenericMOT_JPEG/
            |-- airplane-0/
            |  |-- img1/
            |  |  |-- 000000.jpg
            |  |  |   ......
            |  |  |-- 000375.jpg
            |   ......
            |-- stock-3/
            |  |-- img1/
            |  |  |-- 000000.jpg
            |  |  |   ......
            |  |  |-- 000312.jpg

The file structure of detection results is simple, which contains the detection results of our baseline one-shot detector for all sequences.